
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Proverbs 31 Woman: One Virtue at a Time

I came across this free ebook download/study guide/upcoming blog bible study series for the summer through and wanted to share it because I think I'm going to try it out.  It just requires subscribing to a couple of blogs, so the only cost is a little space in your inbox. Other than that, I think it's 14 weeks and only 1-2 verses/day so it seems very doable.  Let me know if you'd like to join me!


  1. I never received the email that has the download link after I registered.

    can someone help?


    1. Hi Stacy! Have you been getting the weekly emails from Good Morning Girls? If you have, it's at the bottom of both (I've gotten 2 emails so far). If you haven't, maybe you need to subscribe to Good Morning Girls also? I subscribed to both, but never got anything from Women Living Well other than the subscription confirmation email. The GMG website is Hope this helps!

    2. Sorry Stacy, nevermind. I tried the link in the email but it just brought me to the email subscription page. When I tried subscribing again, they said I already had. Maybe check your spam box? That's what I'm about to do ... If it's not there, I may try emailing them and see if I get a response. :( I've just been reading the scripture with the SOAP method they recommend and it's been great so far - amazing what you can get out of 2 verses a day! :)

    3. Phew! Sorry for the strung-out responses ... I ended up going to their Facebook page and someone else had posted a similar complaint. They gave her this direct link to the book: Tried it and it works. Yay! :D


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